PmB KN-65


Characteristics EN method Unit Declaired by SRPS EN 13808:2013
Appearance Dark brown liquid
Polymer bitumen binder content 1428 % 63-67 (class 7)
The rate of flow with STV machine at 40ºC (d=4mm) 12846 s 40-100 (class 6)
pH value 12850 - < 7
Setting rate 13075-1 - 70-155 (class 3)
Homogeneousness – 0.5 mm sieve residue 1429 %- < 0,5 (class 4)
Homogeneousness after 7 days of storage – 0.5 mm sieve residue 11429 %- < 0,5 (class 4)
Adhesion to stone aggregate 13614 %- > 90 (class 3)
Characteristics of bitumen binder obtained by evaporation method - penetration at 25 ºC 13074/1426 1/10mm- < 220 (class 5)
Characteristics of bitumen binder obtained by evaporation method - softening point according to PK 1427 ºC > 43 (class 6)
Characteristics of bitumen binder obtained by evaporation method after stabilization and aging - penetration at 25 ºC 13074/14895/ 14769/1426 1/10mm NR (class 0)
Characteristics of bitumen binder obtained by evaporation method after stabilization and aging - softening point according to PK 13074/14895/ 14769/1427 ºC > NR (class 0)
Return elastic deformation 13398 % > 30 (class 1)


It is being delivered and stored in storage tanks and metal barrels of 200 kg. Emulsion is being stored at temperatures above +5ºC. Emulsion is stable in storage for at least 28 days after delivery. Hauler is responsible for the adequate transportation of goods.


The product complies with SRPS EN 13808:2013 for the type C 65 BP 3